My to-do list (free printable)

My name is Vanesa and I must confess that I am a listaholic. I don’t feel bad about that because I am a really organized person and I want to do everything I am supposed to and I don’t want to forget anything. Making lists of everything is the best way to keep my life orginized, and having everything written on a paper makes me feel confident because I am sure that I am not going to miss anything and I am going to do everything I am supposed to do, and that’s very important for me.


I usually make my to-do list every day. And I make just one where I put every task I need or I want to do during that day: my professional duties, my personal tasks, the blog, the housework and shopping and the DIY projects. What I enjoy the most is the moment when I can cross out one of the tasks. If you are a listaholic as me, you will understand perfectly. =P

I started my to-do list just in a white paper, without any kind of priority or how many time I would need for each task. I think that this was the reason that many times half of the duties weren’t done that day. But, as time went by, I learned a more productive system. And now I have a really efficient list, at least for me, of course. At the end of this post you will find a free printable example of this list.

But, before, let me explain what I think are the most important things to take into account when you organize your day with a to-do list.

  • Make just a list. As I said before, for me it is much more better having everything in the same list. But, of course, there I try to organize the duties by areas: professional life, at home and other projects (blog, DIY projects,…). I write down also other things I want to do as, for exemple, doing some sport after work (in this way I feel more committed to that aim).
  • A daily list. For me it works better make the list everyday. I try to make it at night, before going to bed or in the morning, before going to work. I review the previous (just to check I didn’t forget something to do) and then write the new one. However, every Monday morning (or Sunday afternoon) I try to plan the main duties that I need to do during the week, just to have a more global view. I record those things in my agenda.
  • By priority. I attempt to organize tasks by priority (essential and semi-urgent). These are the things I want to do all day. Although, I usually write down long term projects. They are usually things that are repeated over several days or even weeks, but have them registered in my lists makes me remember they have been done in some point.
  • Timing. In my daily planning I don’t usually put at what time I’ll do every task, put I write down if I’ll do them in the morning or afterrnoon. It’s a good way to organize my day.
  • Reviewing the list at the end of the day. As I said before, at the end of the day I try to review if I have done everything I wanted. It is that moment when I prepare the list for the next day.

Are you a listaholic? How is your list? Do you make it daily or weekly?

If you want, you can download a free printable template of my to-do list model. It is an A4 and there are two. I hope you like it.


This post was first published in Reflexions d’una periodista, my spanish blog.

photo credit: Resolutions. via photopin (license)

15 thoughts on “My to-do list (free printable)

  1. Yes, I consider myself a listaholic as well. I make a list every morning before starting my day. It helps me stay productive and allows me to see what I’ve accomplished that day.Thanks for the printables- they will definitely come in handy. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Seven habits that make my life more organized | The thirtysomething blogger

    • Amanda, first of all, thanks for your comment. Sometime ago I had the same problem as you, I lost the lists, hehehe… but nowadays I try to have them in my agenda, so I never lose them… =)


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